ENGLISH: Work-Life-Balance

On Febru­ary 18, at 6pm, Ricar­do will chat with you about Work-Life-Balan­ce and self-care:

  • How important is work-life balan­ce for you?
  • What do you do to ensu­re you have a good work-life-balance?
  • Do you think it is pos­si­ble to have a good work-life-balan­ce in Austria/​in your country?

Would you like to join a Plau­der­raum ses­si­on? We will send you the zoom link at the begin­ning of each week. Sim­ply click on it at the agreed time and you’­re in.

Regis­ter now

We are loo­king for­ward to chat­ting with you!

The Plau­­der­raum-Team

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