ENGLISH: Christmas & New Year's traditions

On Janu­ary 13, at 7pm, Katya will chat with you about Christ­mas and New Year’s traditions:

  • How did you cele­bra­te christ­mas and new year?
  • Are the­re any tra­di­ti­ons from other count­ries you know?
  • How do you deco­ra­te, what dis­hes do you prepare?

Would you like to join a Plau­der­raum ses­si­on? We will send you the zoom link at the begin­ning of each week. Sim­ply click on it at the agreed time and you’­re in.

Regis­ter now

We are loo­king for­ward to chat­ting with you!

The Plau­­der­raum-Team

Bild von Jill Wel­ling­ton auf Pix­a­bay.