1st English Plauderraum - "Nature"

We are thril­led to announ­ce our first Plau­der­raum for Eng­­lish-spea­k­ers and tho­se who would like to prac­ti­ce their Eng­lish skills. Look for­ward to chat­ting about natu­re with Anastasiia.

  • What are your favou­ri­te routes/​spots for hiking? Do you have any recommendations?
  • What are your favou­ri­te plants and landscapes?
  • Are the­re any spe­cial memo­ries con­cer­ning natu­re you would like to share?

Would you like to join a Plau­der­raum ses­si­on? We will send you the zoom link at the begin­ning of each week. Sim­ply click on it at the agreed time and you’­re in.

Regis­ter now

We are loo­king for­ward to chat­ting with you!

The Plau­­der­raum-Team

Pic­tu­re from Minh Tran at Pix­a­bay.